Farnsworth Gowns
Handcrafted In Pittsburgh, PA
or cALL uS - (412) 881.4696
Men's Suits , White Shirt and Tie included in sizes from 38-60.
Navy, Black, Brown or Grey, solid or pinstripe.
Ladies Turban, Made to order, can be embellished to match dress.
Other Accessories available:
Ladies tricot scarvessold by the dozen.
Casket veils, 1/2, 3/4, and full couch made to order.
And Men's Black slippers
Men's and Ladies undergarments
Sold in sets or bulk.
Men's sets include: Crew tee, briefs and black dress socks.
Ladies sets include: Slip, pantie and hose (knee highs or thigh high)
Ladies Lace Trimed Hankies, Sold in bulk or by the dozen. Round hankies also available.
We also have men's white crepe hankies